Angela Jane Lavender
Just Am
16” x 20” x 1.5”
Mixed Media on Gallery Canvas
This painting was inspired by Sarah Nicole Landry, also known as The Birdspapaya, and created after the birth of her youngest daughter, Lemmie. Just Am is a powerful celebration of self-acceptance, honouring the beauty and resilience of our ever-changing bodies.
As women, we are often expected to explain, justify, or diminish ourselves to fit into narrow ideals. This piece challenges that notion, embracing the freedom to take up space and exist unapologetically. It reflects the courage it takes to love ourselves fully and without conditions, recognizing that our bodies tell a story of growth, strength, and transformation.
Through bold colours and expressive strokes, Just Am invites you to celebrate your own journey and embrace the truth that you are enough, exactly as you are.
Available online and at L’art de Vivre Galerie in Saguenay, Québec Canada.